Buyer Guides
Cheap Cat Trees For Large Cats | Buyers Guide
Cheap cat trees for large cats can be more challenging to find than any other types of cat trees. This is because you need to balance affordability with quality. If you’re a multiple-cat owner like I am, you’ll take a great deal anywhere you can get it.
Best Cat Condo For Two Cats | Buyers Guide
If your number of cats just increased from one to two, there are a lot of reasons why you need to look for the best condo for two cats right away. When I got my first cat, I brought her home with a bed and a scratching post, and she was totally satisfied.
Best Cat Trees For Multiple Cats | Buyers Guide
The best cat trees for multiple cats are those that show promise in both quality and affordability. But most importantly of all, the best cat trees are those that give the most enjoyment to your furry friends. Here’s our top 5 picks for you now.
Best Cat Tree For Large Cats | Buyers Guide
If one (or more) of your cats is a little larger in size, then you need the best cat tree for large cats to give them the best chance at getting good exercise while indoors. Maintaining the health and comfort of your cat should take top priority.
Best Cat Scratching Post | Buyers Guide
If you’ve ever wanted to buy a cat scratching post online, you know that there are a lot of options out there. So we’ve narrowed it down for you by providing reviews on the 5 Best Cat Scratching Posts on the market and why you should get one.
Best Cat Tree That Looks Like A Tree | Buyers Guide
My cat’s favorite place to play is in his cat tree, where he can climb and relax in his very own space. So why not get your pet a cat tree that looks like a tree? An actual tree-shaped piece of kitty furniture would drive your feline friend nuts with love.
Why A Cat Activity Centre Is A Good Investment
What really helps with increasing the territory of your cat is a with a cat activity centre, which you can do quite affordably. That is to say, you don’t have to break the bank to provide your cat with this extra space to play, climb, scratch, watch or nap.
Best Cat Trees: Smart Buyers Guide
Check out my Best Cat Trees Smart Buyers Guide. Where you’ll find everything you need to know and consider to ensure you buy the perfect Cat Tree for you kitties. There’s a cat tree to suit all budgets, room size, number and weight of your cats.
10 Best Cat Trees Above $200
Check out my list of the 10 Best Cat Trees Above $200 and find your feline friend a playhouse that is both affordable with lots of stimulation and fun. They are all very well-built, contain the right things to occupy your cat for hours. See for yourself.
10 Best Cat Trees $100-$200
Check out my list of the 10 Best Cat Trees $100-$200 and find your feline friend a playhouse that is both affordable with lots of stimulation and fun. They are all still well-built, contain the right things to occupy your cat for hours. See for yourself.
10 Best Cat Trees Under $100
Check out my list of the 10 Best Cat Trees Under $100 and find your feline friend a playhouse that is both affordable with lots of stimulation and fun. They are all still well-built, contain the right things to occupy your cat for hours. See for yourself.
Cat Behaviour
Why Does My Cat Lick Me Then Bite Me?
Eventually, your feline friend starts to lick your hand or arm. Then it starts biting you. What is going on here? Well, in this article, we will take a closer look at what your cat is doing and examine some of the potential causes for the licking and biting.
Understanding Siamese Cat Aggression Causes
There are times when that calm, purring little ball of fur can turn into a hurricane of destructive activity lashing out at you and anything else that gets in their way. Why do you have to deal with Siamese cat aggression when all you want is a quiet little feline friend?
Why Does My Cat Bite My Feet?
Why does my cat bite my feet? It’s a good question because there are times when relaxing with your cat can become a painful experience just from the unexpected nibbling that can take place. As our feet are often sensitive, the sharp little claws and teeth are quite noticeable when your cat latches on.
Why Does My Cat Bite My Nose?
If you have asked yourself, “Why does my cat bite my nose?”. In this article, we will take a closer look at what cats do that may provoke them to give you a nip on the end of your nose. The important thing to keep in mind here is that getting bitten on the nose by your feline best friend is not always a bad thing.
Why Does My Cat Bite Her Nails?
You’ve seen it probably a lot more than you can remember. Your cat is biting her nails. You probably already know that when humans bite their nails, there are several possible reasons for that activity. Not all of them are good. Maybe this is why you are asking yourself, why does my cat bite her nails?
How Much Space Does A Cat Need?
Here’s a good question for you: How much space does a cat need? You can probably imagine that it will be more than the space required to keep an aquarium of fish, but far less than what you would need to keep a medium-sized dog happy.
Why Does My Cat Bite My Fingers?
Why does my cat bite my fingers? There are going to be several answers where one of them may be correct. In this article, we will provide you with several possible reasons that should answer the question: Why does my cat lick my hand and then bite me?
Why Do Cats Bite Your Hair?
Have you ever wondered why cats bite your hair? Maybe your cat doesn’t bite yours but licks it instead. The act may be a good sign or a bad sign. It all depends on what your cat is going through. We will examine the main reasons why your cat bites or licks your hair.
Why Are Siamese Cats Mean?
A Siamese cat will be downright violent which can result in an attack on another cat. The aggressiveness displayed by these pets should not be taken lightly and may be the result of something much deeper. In this article, we will try to explain why are Siamese cats so mean.
Why Do Cats Knead And Bite Blankets?
Cats are strange. if anything, it may help us to get closer to answering the question” “Why do cats knead and bite blankets?" In this article, we will try to sort through the odd behavioural traits of the average cat to try to produce a reasonable explanation for that activity.
What Does It Mean When Cats Groom Each Other?
What does it mean when cats groom each other? It is the main method they use to keep themselves clean. If you have owned a cat or two over the years, you would have noticed that they not only groom themselves but sometimes groom each other.
Why Does My Cat Rub Against Me Then Bite Me?
If you have experienced your cat biting you, you’ve probably wanted to know why. This question is especially common when the interaction with your cat is otherwise very loving. Many cat owners have wondered, “Why does my cat rub against me then bite me?”.
How To Keep Cats From Scratching Leather Furniture
Taking care of cats is a pleasing part of life, especially when you get to bring furry friends into your home. We can train our pets to only scratch up certain parts of the house. Let’s look at how to keep cats from scratching leather furniture in your home from now on.
How To Calm A Cat For Grooming At Home
We know how important it is to groom your pet and we also know that not all cat owners know how to calm a cat for grooming, which can be difficult. We’ve compiled our top tips for calming down your cat so that grooming can be as painless and effortless as possible.
Silly Games For Cats To Play
Playing with my cats is not just fun, it gives both of my boys mental stimulation and even some exercise. If you are struggling to come up with games for cats to play, I'm going to share with you some of the ones we play the most in our home.
Cat Health
How To Get Rid Of Fleas Naturally On Cats
Is your cat sending you cues about a problem just by moving differently? This one big problem could be fleas on your cat. So you might be wondering how to get rid of fleas naturally on cats. Why naturally? Because cats are sensitive creatures.
How To Be A Good Cat Owner
If you own one or more cats, you do have a big job on your hands. As independent as cats are, they still depend on us humans for a number of things to keep them safe, happy and healthy. Here are my tips to follow on how to be a good cat owner.
Tips For Maintaining A Healthy Cat Diet
You know, both of my cats are pretty smart but one thing they can’t do is read labels. I could feed them just about anything I wanted and it may be cheaper, but it wouldn’t be all that healthy. So, here’s 5 Tips For Maintaining A Healthy Cat Diet.
Should I Take My Cat To The Vet Regularly?
I love it when my friends or co-workers of mine ask ‘Should I Take My Cat To The Vet Regularly?’ Since they know I’ve got two boys of my own (Roger & Doogle) they expect me to be the master of all things cat related. Luckily in this area, I reckon I am.
Cat Diet
Tips For Maintaining A Healthy Cat Diet
You know, both of my cats are pretty smart but one thing they can’t do is read labels. I could feed them just about anything I wanted and it may be cheaper, but it wouldn’t be all that healthy. So, here’s 5 Tips For Maintaining A Healthy Cat Diet.