Why Do Cats Bite Your Hair

Have you ever wondered Why do cats bite your hair? Maybe your cat doesn’t bite yours but licks it instead. The act may be a good sign or a bad sign. It all depends on what your cat is going through. In this article, we will examine the main reasons why your cat bites or licks your hair and will tell you which of these reasons are cause for concern and which ones should not be a sign of something more serious going on with your cat.

Your Cat Likes You

This is the main reason why your cat may lick or bite your hair. Grooming is a method used by felines to show affection. It also permits them to bond. When grooming is used as a bonding behavior, it is known as allogrooming. Cats normally do this on the necks and heads of their grooming partners.

You have very likely seen this if your household has more than one cat in it. The same activity is commonly exercised with the cat’s human partner. Grooming, by the way, is something that cats find to be very calming and may be one way that a cat can battle stress.

For Stress Relief

for stress relief

Cats do get stressed out. Normally, a cat can become anxious, stressed, or scared. If your cat is experiencing any of these feelings, chewing or licking your hair will help to calm your feline friend. By simply being there and letting your cat chew or lick your hair tells your pet that there is a bond between the both of you and that will help him or her to relax.

However, if your cat seems to be coming to you to do this more frequently over time, it could be a sign of something else. Your cat will react when there are changes in the household through the addition or loss of another pet or family member, and even moving to a new house can bring on stress to many cats.

Theories - It’s Compulsive Behaviour

Another thing to consider if your cat is chewing more frequently is that the possibility exists that your pet has become a compulsive chewer. The way to determine this is to offer the chewing cat something better to bite into. If your cat ignores the treat, then you have a compulsive chewer on your hands.

This may require the assistance of a vet or a pet therapist to figure out. The idea here is to identify the triggers that result in chewing. You may find yourself working on implementing methods to distract your cat and aid them in channeling that activity into something more productive.

It Could Be Hyperthyroidism

It Could Be Hyperthyroidism

An overactive thyroid gland is the cause of hyperthyroidism. In older cats ranging in age from 12 years and older, chewing human hair is a symptom of this thyroid disease. Combined with fast weight loss and a massive appetite, your cat needs help. Your best solution is to schedule an appointment with your local veterinarian as soon as you can.

Chewing Hair Makes Your Cat Happy

Why do cats bite your hair? Another reason is a simple one: your cat finds it pleasurable. In other words, chewing or licking your hair is fun for your cat. Your cat will get a shot of dopamine while chewing which will bring an overall sense of happiness and well being over your cat and this will make him or her want to keep chewing or licking your hair.

Plus, if you have just washed or shampooed your hair, your cat may be spending time buried in your mane simply because they like the way it smells.

It Tastes Good

it tastes good

This may not be the answer you were looking for when wondering why do cats bite your hair? However, there is always the possibility that there is something about your hair that captivates your feline friend. If it's not the smell, believe it or not, it could be the way your hair tastes.

Now, this will be related to the type of shampoo you use. Cats are generally not fond of strong or scents that resemble citrus fruits. So, if the shampoo you use has a mild scent or something other than lemon or orange, your cat may decide that your hair tastes particularly delicious.

Your Cat Has Pica

Pica is a condition that cats can develop. It is usually caused by a nutritional deficiency. Sometimes it happens to be connected to a medical problem. Feeding your cat a cat food that has well-rounded nutritional makeup will be best for your pet but if he or she is suffering from Pica, they may chew on your hair as a way to add nutrients to their diet.

A visit to your vet will help identify if this is the problem and you may end up having to switch cat food to something with a higher nutritional value.

Your Cat Left The Nest Too Soon

Your Cat Left The Nest Too Soon

If your cat is still a kitten and spends a lot of time licking or chewing your hair, it can be directly related to having been taken from its mother a little too early. Kittens that are removed from their litter between eight and ten weeks of age may be prone to bite, lick and chew hair more frequently than a kitten that was properly weaned from its mother.

What Should You Do About It?

If your cat bites or licks your hair and does so for a reason other than those that warrant a trip to the vet, then it should be no big deal. That is, provided that the chewing and biting are not damaging your hair to the point where your cat is getting chunks of your hair in their mouths and swallowing it.

If your cat appears to be relaxing or enjoying the time spent occupied with your hair, and you feel no discomfort, why not just let your cat carry on? As long as it isn’t bothering you, there is no need to interrupt the activity. Besides, your cat will love that you allow it to bond with you in such a way.

In Conclusion

Why do cats bite your hair? Well, as you can see from the list above, there are several reasons why this is happening. For the most part, your cat is licking or chewing your hair because they like you or you calm them down by just being there for them. It is a nice feeling to be loved in such a way by an animal. Considering that your cat can’t communicate with you in English, the actions they have should tell you what they are up to.

Chewing, biting, and licking hair is one way your cat communicates with you. Often, it’s to say positive things, but sometimes it is to alert you to the possibility of something more serious. If you pay attention, you will be able to tell when chewing of your hair is a good thing or when it may be a sign of a trip to the vet.