Why Does My Cat Bite My Nose

Cats. They do some amazing things for us. For many, owning a cat helps to keep us calm and relaxed. A cat gives us something to spoil, a companion, a creature that loves us unconditionally, and so much more. Cats also do things to us as part of the long list of quirky behavioral traits that they possess.

For example, if you have asked yourself “Why does my cat bite my nose?” then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will take a closer look at what cats do that may provoke them to give you a nip on the end of your nose. The important thing to keep in mind here is that getting bitten on the nose by your feline best friend is not always a bad thing.

However, it could be a signal of something you may want to watch carefully.

Why Does My Cat Bite My Nose?

As it turns out, there are several reasons why your cat tends to bite your nose. As a result, trying to narrow down the cause could be somewhat challenging. The list below is of the most commonly known reasons for nose biting in cats.

You may find one or more that fits your situation. As is always the case with owning a cat, if the behavior escalates or becomes harmful to you or others, be sure to schedule a visit with your veterinarian for remedies that may curb this habit.

Your Cat Has Anger Issues

why does my cat bite my nose - your cat has anger issues

Cats get moody. You should know that by now. An angry cat will also give you some warning signs long before it will nip you on your nose. These may include putting their ears down or holding them back, dilation of their eyes, or even growling. The telltale sign is the actual bite.

If your cat is angry, expect the bite on your nose to be more forceful than a gentle love bite. That is because your cat is trying to tell you it is ticked off and you need to get out of their way.

Your Cat Is Displaying Affection

Looking at the other end of the scale, a gentle nip on the nose just may be the way your cat has decided to let you know at this very moment that he or she is very fond of you. Since your cat can’t speak the words “I love you” or reach out and give you a hug, a gentle nip on your nose is what you may end up with.

If your cat is purring at the same time, then you will know you are most definitely in your cat’s good books for the time being.

Your Cat Is Seeking Attention

your cat is seeking attention

It is easy to get so caught up in your daily world that sometimes other important things in our lives get pushed aside or ignored for a period. Cats are often sensitive to this and will let you know when they want some extra attention from you.

Although cats are typically independent, there are times when they will not put up with sliding down your priority list. That is when you will get a bite on the nose as a reminder that you need to give your cat some extra attention.

Your Cat Is Cleaning Your Face

As a cat owner, you will be fully aware of the daily ritual your feline friend follows regarding regular grooming. Your cat takes great pride in being clean and daily grooming ensures this. However, humans also spend time keeping themselves clean.

So, if you have recently washed your face, your cat will notice. He or she has a very sensitive sense of smell and will either smell food on you or something that indicates cleaning. This is why your cat may lick and bite your nose.

Your Cat Is Displaying Dominance

Your cat is displaying dominance

Why does my cat bite my nose? Well, it could be a sign of your cat showing its dominance. They will display their dominance in one of many different ways. Nipping you on the nose is one way to get your attention.

When your cat is trying to get across to you that they believe that they are in control, you are going to receive not one, but possibly two or three of these nips on the nose as your cat strongly makes the point about who the boss is - or who they think is the boss.

Your Cat Has Been Overstimulated

Your cat fields dozens of different sensations that he or she feels at any given moment of the day. Sometimes this leads to a condition known as over-stimulation. As the term implies, your cat has had too many types of stimuli and will strike out in an attempt to stop the process.

At times, this acting out can result in what appears to be aggressive behavior and as we have already discussed on that topic, cats will bite noses when they are at that point.

Your Cat Is Dealing With Petting-Induced Aggression

Your cat is dealing with petting-induced aggression

If you tend to spend a lot of time petting your cat, you may have had it bite you on the hand and nose every so often. What has happened in the ongoing petting action is that it overstimulates your cat’s senses. The condition is called petting-induced aggression and it has symptoms very similar to that of over-stimulation.

This means that your cat is trying to find ways to cope with all the sensory activity and sometimes the best they can do is to bite the nose of the person petting them.

Your Cat Is Just Scratching Its Face

It is not uncommon for a cat to rub its face along the corner of a chair, couch, or another piece of furniture. Often, they choose hard objects around the house for this and since your cat’s face is very sensitive around their whiskers, when they rub this area, it feels good.

A cat may nip you on the nose to indicate a desire for you to give their face a scratch around their mouth and whiskers. When doing so, expect the odd nip on your fingers but that is your cat approving what you are doing.

Your Cat Is Acting Territorial

Your cat is acting territorial

Cats are very territorial and that means not only with their human but with their homes as well. You will bring out territorial behavior in your cat just by being around another cat or by introducing a new pet or human partner into the household.

Your cat will show you disapproval of this in one of many different ways. The most common of these is through biting. Your cat may give you a forceful bite on the hand or nose to tell you they are not happy with what is happening in their surroundings.

How To Get Your Cat To Stop Biting Your Nose

Essentially you are looking at doing something called behavior modification. You do this by simply rewarding good behavior at punishing bad. However, for your cat to understand what you are trying to teach him or her, you must deliver the treat or the punishment at the moment when the nose biting occurs.

To be successful at breaking your cat of this habit, you must be consistent and patient. The message you are conveying has to be the same at all times. There will be instances where you will have to show your cat that you are the person in charge within the household. You can get this across by being loud in your approval or disapproval of your cat’s action.

Cats respond well to the tone of voice and the volume of a voice. Keep a rolled newspaper handy as you can emphasize your dominance with a gentle tap on your cat's head or nose when biting occurs. They will soon react just at the sight of the rolled newspaper.

Try not to use too much negative reinforcement, so you will have to pick and choose examples where you will have to dish out punishment. If you do this too much, your cat may become afraid to communicate with you when they really need your assistance with something.

Ignoring your cat after getting bitten also works as cats love playing and will soon figure out that biting leads to no more playtime with their favorite human so they will change the way they act.

In Conclusion

Cats are amazing pets. They provide us with many satisfying times in our lives just by being part of them. However, cats also have bad days, and sometimes the only way they can show us that is by biting us. If you’ve been asking yourself the question, “Why Does My Cat Bite My Nose?” hopefully now you have an idea of what may be causing your cat to do this. Sometimes it is because your cat is happy. Other times, your cat is bothered. Knowing the difference is important if you find yourself trying to get your cat to break this habit.