Understanding Siamese Cat Aggression Causes

Well, it just happens that Siamese cat aggressive behavior is one of those interesting little traits that come buried deep inside that beautiful package of a cat. The good news is that there are many different triggers that can set off a cat and once you identify which one results in Siamese cat aggression in your kitty, you just have to work on correcting the situation and your cat should calm down and remain relaxed.

Have you ever wondered what makes your Siamese cat so mean at times? Sure, he or she are wonderful pets that love you unconditionally and provide you with companionship, possibly some exercise, and just have a way of enhancing one’s life.

But, there are times when that calm, purring little ball of fur can turn into a hurricane of destructive activity lashing out at you and anything else that gets in their way. Why do you have to deal with Siamese cat aggression when all you want is a quiet little feline friend?

Siamese Cat Aggression Triggers

Here is a list of some of the most common triggers that can turn the average Siamese cat into a raging ball of, well, you know. Sometimes it is not very pretty.

Attention Craving

attention craving

As independent as cats can be, Siamese cats are a bit strange when it comes to being left alone. It is almost as if a switch gets thrown inside of their feline brain that tells them something may happen that won’t be good because you, the cat owner, is not paying attention to your four-legged roommate.

Then worry sets in and before you know it, your cat is going crazy and bugging you to the point where it is far beyond being annoying. Don’t ignore your Siamese cat.


Siamese cats are usually a great addition to any household as they are considered to be family-friendly cats. However, there are times when a Siamese cat will bond a little stronger with one member of the family. While this is generally not a problem, when a Siamese cat does this, it can result in territorial behavior and even jealousy exhibited towards new people in the home.

This could be why your cat acts so strange when you have a friend over or another pet has been introduced to the family. Some Siamese cats won’t accept these changes.

Temper Tantrum

temper tantrum

You thought your little cousin was putting on quite a display the other day when he threw a temper tantrum in the middle of the shopping mall. Well, believe it or not, your Siamese cat can conjure up the same sort of actions that can pop up at virtually any time.

It’s a tough one to remedy as this sort of behavior, the short fuse, is something that is commonly found in this breed of cat. It’s something that is quite literally in their boiling blood.

Over Sensitive

Have you ever been swatted by your Siamese cat after you’ve gotten maybe a little too “touchy-feely” with him or her? That’s to be expected with these breeds of cats as Siamese cats will tire of being pet or just touched too much. Don’t worry, they will come around when they need that kind of attention but sometimes, they just get over sensitive.

It’s referred to as over stimulation and your cat will tell you when they have had enough of your attention and inform you with no questions asked that it is now time for you to take a time out.

Too Much Excitement

too much excitement

Siamese cats are often considered hyperactive. This can lead to a higher level of excitement that will be fun for a period of time but will eventually result in feelings that can mimic those of overstimulation. As we already know about overstimulation, it can produce various forms of Siamese cat aggression, which is quite simply a bad thing for cat owners to have to deal with.

This is why it is important to try to keep activity in the area where your cat lives as calm as possible. It also helps to have a quiet, safe place for your cat to escape to so that he or she can curl up somewhere and calm down.


Cats do get fearful and uncomfortable about things. When this happens, they usually react with Siamese cat aggression. It can be in one of many different forms but is commonly displayed through biting, hissing, or scratching. Anything that could be considered a defensive action can be expected to come from a cat that is either afraid of something or has an uncomfortable feeling.

Other Forms Of Siamese Cat Aggressive Behavior

There are a few other ways that your cat can show aggression. Here is a look at just a few of them.

Playful Aggression

playful aggression

Play aggression is common in Siamese cats. While at play, they will instinctively turn the game into a predatory, exploratory, investigative exercise. That is because playtime for a Siamese cat gives them an outlet to work on their survival instincts. This means that pouncing, biting, and batting at things are commonplace with a Siamese cat during any play session.

Time To Stop What You Are Doing Aggression

This is the form of aggression that a Siamese cat will employ for one reason only. It is to tell their human friend that they have had enough of whatever has been going on and it is now time to stop. Typically, once your cat has given you the signal that they are done with whatever the activity was that got on their nerves, they will just head off into a quiet place to curl up and relax.

Defensive Aggression

defensive aggression

Your Siamese cat may show signs of aggression as a way of responding to situations where he or she feels threatened. This means that scratching, biting, or hissing is being used as a defense mechanism. The threatening situation can be something you have done or has come from the presence of another animal. Either way, your cat is telling you they are defending themselves as a result.

Redirected Aggression

This is an interesting possibility that still has to be considered if your cat is showing aggressive behavior. This happens when your cat becomes annoyed by another cat or another human and instead of lashing out at the original source, you get the brunt of the aggressive actions simply because you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time or your cat feels safe enough around you to take it out on you.

How To Stop Cat Aggressive Behavior

So, how do you curb your kitty from getting all in your face about something you did or didn’t do? Well, there are a few tricks you can try to see which one’s work. Here is a look at what those are.

Give ‘Em Space

give em space

Sometimes the best remedy is to do nothing but get out of the way. Often all your cat needs is a break from you and everything else. So, to accomplish this, just give your cat some extra room by distancing yourself from him or her for a little while. The break will do your cat good and eventually it will come back to you.

CSI The Problem

One way to reduce the amount of Siamese cat aggression is to pin down what exactly is causing the problem in the first place. Once you figure that out, your next challenge is to either remove the trigger or replace it with something else that proves to be less irritating to your cat and keeps things calm.

Learning The Triggers

siamese cat aggression - learn the triggers

This is technically Trick #2A…if you identify a number of different triggers that set off your cat, it is important that you learn what those triggers are and understand why they irritate your cat. When you change the settings to where good things result from those triggers, you help your cat to deal with them.

Provide A Safe Space

We’ve already touched on this. If your Siamese cat gets all twisted out of shape from certain triggers, you can help your kitty to cope with the issues with a safe place for him or her to run to. It can be a darkened room with a cat bed in the corner. Anything that gives your cat a place to go and hide for a while will work.

Focus On The Positives

siamese cat aggression - focus on the positives

Once your cat reaches the point where they need to be alone, nothing helps more than letting them escape. When your cat comes back to you, be gentle, kind and offer positive reinforcement. This tells your cat that it did the right thing to seek a break and that you are quite okay with that taking place when it did.

In Conclusion

Cats are complicated pets. Siamese cats, in particular. They get a bit wound up at times and only know one way to express their feelings when in that head space - through aggressive behavior. If you can trace what is causing this to happen, you have a better chance at helping your cat deal with the situation.

The upside is that whatever help you provide will assist in building a stronger bond between you and your cat.