Why Does The Siamese Cat Meow Sound Different

If you are a first-time Siamese cat owner, there are many things you will discover about this breed of cat. Some of these discoveries may surprise you somewhat. One of the most interesting of these differences between Siamese cats and other members of the feline family is the sounds they make.

In this article, we will take a closer look at what the Siamese cat meow sounds like and why it has such an interesting vocal range.

The Meow

In short, the Siamese cat meow is different. Plus, Siamese cats tend to meow a lot. It is a tool they use to get attention and for most Siamese cats, it works just as it should. But why are these stunning creatures so vocal? There has to be something that can explain why this cat meows so much more than the average cat. Well, it boils down to just a few logical reasons.

Their Social Nature


Siamese cats meow frequently just because they are naturally social. The Siamese cat meow is their way of communicating and it won’t take long before you conclude that yours is very talkative. It is not a bad thing, either. If you think your cat is trying to tell you something, it probably is only you can't understand it.

It’s Got To Do With Boredom

Okay, you may or may not be directly involved here. Siamese cats get bored. That’s simply because they have nothing to do to keep them occupied so to get that point across, they will start making that Siamese cat sounds that should signal to you that you now have a bored cat on your hands. How do you remedy this? Simple. Ensure that your home has a good stock of cat toys around and encourage your feline friend to play with them.

You Are Not Showering Them With Constant Attention


Yes, your Siamese cat will make that familiar Siamese cat meow when he or she feels you are not giving them as much of your attention as you should. Because Siamese cats are so demanding, you may find yourself in a bit of a fix as whatever you think is enough attention will still fall short of what your cat expects from you.

Consider yourself warned. If you receive Siamese cat sounds to the contrary, you will learn that your cat will demand every waking moment of your day. Accept this as your new reality.

They Are Testing The Boundaries

Siamese cats are very intelligent. They are so smart that they quickly figure out that by using their Siamese cat meow, a human typically snaps into action and provides the feline in question with just about anything they desire. Once this happens, the Siamese cat sounds turn into a tool to get things.

Vowel Patterns


Yes, a Siamese cat can vocalize the vowels that we use in our day-to-day communication. The only difference is that they can’t quite put them together into words or sentences. But they can combine two adjacent vowel sounds into something called a diphthong. You’ve likely heard it without knowing there was a name for it.

Murmur Patterns

Purrs, warbling, and trilling sounds all fall under this category. One of these sounds you may have noticed your cat can create is a bird call. While there is no scientific proof to verify this, there is a theory that Siamese cats make this bird sound to draw birds into a false sense of security moments before the cat pounces on it.

Frustrated and Angry Sounds


The low growl that sounds as if it is coming from deep within your cat’s body is one of these. It is so deep that it can be quite frightening to the average human. Hissing is a common cat sound that is usually meant as a warning of something more serious to follow. The hiss of a cat is believed to be used to imitate the scary sound of a snake.

What If Your Siamese Cat Doesn't Meow?

Considering that Siamese cats are quite vocal, if yours is not, it is safe to assume that there could be a serious problem. Usually, when a Siamese cat goes silent and does not meow at all, it is because that cat is sick. To be sure what feline illness your cat is suffering from and how to best remedy it, you should get in contact with your veterinarian and schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

In Conclusion

Siamese cat meow sounds are different from those of any other cat. This is because this breed happens to be very vocal and likes to talk to you about most anything. The challenging thing about owning one of these cats is not that they make a lot of vocalizing noises but trying to figure out what they are saying to us.