Do Siamese Cats Shed Alot

Here’s something to ponder. Do Siamese cats shed? Well, almost every cat breed does except for those exotics, strange-looking hairless cats. But that is far too obvious. Siamese cats do not have long coats and therefore are not considered longhair cats. Instead, Siamese cats have what is described as a very short, fine coat. With this kind of coat, maintenance is easy.

It also means that your Siamese cat should not shed much at all. All you have to do to keep your cat looking beautiful is to use a fine-toothed comb. The purpose of this is to remove any dead hair that may be trapped in the coat. By combing your cat once per week, you will keep his or her coat looking great. Plus, your cat will love the attention you give them.

The time you spend combing your Siamese cat’s coat will also help you to build the bond that has formed between the both of you.

Why Do Cats Shed?

why do cats shed

As it turns out, shedding is a healthy, and natural activity in cats. The purpose of shedding comes down to the easy removal of dead hair. When dead hair remains in the cat coat, it can result in creating skin irritation. So, to prevent this from happening, the dead hair is essentially left hanging within the coat and eventually falls out.

This sometimes is encouraged through cat grooming; other times dead cat hair is shed just through the daily movement of your cat. Siamese cats tend to have low shedding properties. This is mostly due to the type of hair that makes up their coat. As noted above, Siamese cat hair is short and fine.

Another thing to consider when faced with the question Do Siamese cats Shed? is that there are certain times of the year when shedding is more obvious. Plus, the health of your cat may have an impact on shedding activity as well. Cats lose more dead hair through shedding in the spring. Warmer weather allows your cat to rid itself of extra cat hair that will have grown to form a sort of winter coat.

However, if your Siamese cat sheds more than usual, and at other times of the year, it could be a signal of something far more serious. Shedding can be related to one of several different medical issues ranging from stress and poor diet to infection, sunburn, allergies, or a reaction to a medication.

You Can Help Your Cat To Shed Less

You Can help your cat to shed less

There are many ways you can reduce the possibility of your Siamese cat shedding. Brushing them weekly is a good start. Brushing helps remove the dead cat hair that is usually shed on its own. Check the food you provide your cat and ensure that you are feeding him or her a proper, nutritious diet.

If you are not sure what a good cat diet contains, use ready-made food that can be purchased at your local pet food store or grocery store. Also, check with your cat’s vet in case there is a special need for your cat’s diet to address any specific health concerns. Always have water readily available so that your Siamese cat can remain properly hydrated.

Do Siamese Cats Shed More Than Other Breeds?

Do siamese cats shed more than other breeds

When dealing with the question of why is my Siamese cat shedding, it is important to note that if the shedding has nothing to do whatsoever with the health of your cat, you can probably find some comfort in knowing that on a list of the top cat breed that shed the least, Siamese cats are near the top. As you can imagine, the hairless Sphinx breed is at the number one spot.

If you don’t count a hairless cat as one that sheds the least, then the Siberian cat will top your list. Next is the Bengal cat, followed by the Cornish Rex, The Siamese, and the Bombay. So, as you can see, the Siamese cat is either the fifth or fourth breed that sheds the least, depending on what you consider a cat with a coat that sheds.

In Conclusion

Did we answer the question as to why do Siamese cats shed? It comes down to two basic factors. The breed of the cat, where Siamese cats typically do not shed very much at all, and the health of your cat. If your Siamese cat suffers from one of many different symptoms, it may shed a little more than usual.

Considering that the Siamese cat coat is made of short, fine hair, even a Siamese cat that sheds a lot will not leave behind a lot of dead cat hair for you to clean up. If you happen to have allergies that can be irritated by the presence of cat dander, having a Siamese cat is a good idea. That is because your cat's hair will not trigger allergic reactions quite as frequently as dead cat hair from other breeds.